Saturday, July 31, 2010

Japan in a week

Just a week into our adventure and we have experienced a sizable portion of Japan. I rendezvoused in Tokyo with Sarah (sister) and Chris (future brother) and we hit the ground running, exploring the bustling streets of the world's largest metropolis. There were throngs of people everywhere as we ambled down the narrow and sinuous streets marveling at the bizarre offerings of the shops and restaurants.
Photo to the right is a photo of a market in the Ueno neighborhood..

During our brief two days in the city we were able to explore much, bearing witness to the unique, nay odd aspects of Japanese life, including a christian themed dining experience (see Chris with candle below) and 7am sashimi breakfast at the fish market (note strange stuffed wildcat next to dried squid at bottom right).


After Tokyo we were off to Nikko home of many amazing world heritage shrines and temples. We spent the day achieving our inner zen and then set up camp nearby. The sleeping quarters were a bit tight as our tent did not allow for much elbow room, but we slept well after a hearty meal of assorted grilled seafood items.

Mt. Fuji
The next day we were off to Mt. Fuji or as the Japanese say Fuji San. We set up camp in the five lakes region. The guide book had said that Fuji was "notoriously shy" but we really lucked out the next morning when after an arduous hike the great Fuji San revealed his majestic peak.

No time to rest, as we continued making our way south though the island of Honshu to Kyoto. Kyoto was a beautiful city and around each corner lay ever more impressive charming streets and magnificent shrines. Best of all in Kyoto was the food! On our first night we sampled Sake and Unagi (eel) followed by a red bean dessert. This was just a warm up for the nest night when we had a truly grand 9 course feast comprised of such delicacies as whole river trout baked in miso, octopus, ikura (salmon roe) and peach soup.