Sunday, October 24, 2010

Laos Part II: Southern Charm

After a brief stop in Vientiane, we continued south to Pakse aboard our sweetest bus trip to date. The double decker bus proudly displayed that it was the "King of Buses", and it certainly wasn't false advertising. Rather than seats, the bus was comprised of numerous beds which we shared with our respective partners. After a moist towellette and complementary steamed buns, we stretched out and quickly sucumbed to slumber for the remainder of the 10hr journey.

Bolaven Plateau
After arriving in the town of Pakse we continued on via a painfully slow bus to the Bolaven Plateau, a elevated and extremely fertile region of Southern Laos know for its coffee and waterfalls. Unfortuneately during the few days we spent in the area the gods were contantly showering us with rain. While we had luckly avoided the rainy season in the North, we weren't so fortuitous during our first days in the South.

Despite the inclement weather we enjoyed our days exploring the Bolavean Plateau while basing ourseleves in the town of Tad Lo. In addition to admiring the town's many waterfalls we braved the rain and motorbiked through the beautiful, albeit misty, countryside. Motorbiking proved to be a challenge at times as we we constantly naviagted around a multitude of water buffalo, goats and playing children who occupied the roads. During our ride we also happened to stop upon an interesting educational organic farm, which I now plan to return to and work at come December.

Si Phan Don
As we departed from the Bolaven Plateau and headed south to Si Phan Don, we successfully escaped from the rain. Si Pahn Don, or the 4000 islands, is massive archipeligo of islands located in the middle of the Mekong River. After a short boat ride to the island of Don Khon, we spent the next four days exploring the verdant rice fields and relaxing next to the majestic Mekong. Some of the highlights from our time here included viewing dolphins, learning to make spring rolls, and frequently cooling off in the Mekong's murky waters. Oh, and of course celebrating the birth of our beloved Sarah!

A Boat Ride out to view the Irrawady Dolphins, a rare breed of fresh water Dolphins

Sarah and Chris preparing for a lovely ride through Don Khon.

Sunset over the Mekong...

Preparing to devour a delvcious homemade feast with Mama Dam

One of the many water buffallo we encountered during our strolls through the island

Another buffalo attempting to cool itself in the stiffling mid day heat

Thinking about swimming in the majestic yet questionably clean waters of the Mekong

A beautiful section of rapids

A local man telling Lindsay and I's fortune. Supposedly I will be be getting a car in 2013.

Chris and Lindsay getting some much needed R&R in after a hectic day exploring the countryside. Note our hotel rooms proximty to the river.

Sarah turning 29!